Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Vitamin Cottage Turkeys

Vitamin Cottage (aka Natural Grocers) is taking reservations, with a $5 deposit, for your Thanksgiving turkey. They offer Mary's turkeys, which are fed a non-GMO vegetarian diet, without antibiotics or preservatives, and are free-range raised. They are air chilled to 26 degrees for freshness, with prices as follows:

Mary's heritage turkeys - $6.99 a pound

Mary's organic turkeys - $3.99 a pound

Mary's free range turkeys - $2.69 a pound

Mary's organic bone-in turkey breasts - $6.99 a pound (these are new)

Mary's free range geese - $7.99 a pound (also new)

P.S. Happy Veterans' Day, with many thanks to all those veterans out there, including in my family.

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